I was finally able to return to work on Summa. Albeit daunting work, it was still nice to be out in the garage. I have spent the majority of my time transferring the drawings to the plywood. This is a rather easy process but still very daunting and time consuming. I have to admit that I had to acclimate myself to the coordinate systems that John Welsford uses on his drawings...format is somewhat strange.

I needed to generate some nice smooth curves on the plywood so I ended up getting a relatively cheap piece of molding from Lowes (the long white plastic piece in the image). I was able to pin it in place and generate the larger curves for some of the frames. For smaller curves, I ended up using a french curve.
Mattie was keeping watch for me over the neighborhood. She has turned out to be quite the helper fighting off June bugs that are attracted to the floodlights that I use at night.
I cannot wait until my little first mate can join me in the garage (assuming she is interested). The weather has been tolerable thus far but the Texas summer is fast approaching and the heat will make it somewhat miserable.